Friday, April 12, 2013

New Current Measurements

My previous post has a graph showing erratic motor current measurements. To stablize these measurements I added code that calculates the running average over the last 50 samples (one full second of measurements). I reran the previous experiment and here are the results:

I have no idea why the right motor (green) is taking so much less current than the left (red). I am happy that it is at least consistent with the right motor running at a lower speed than the left. I also don't understand the asymmetry between forward and reverse in both motors. I will ponder these issues more. I will make sure that Godfrey's software manages them.

My next step is to attach wheels to the base and a wooden pole on the top to bring Godfrey up to three or four feet tall. Once completed I will start writing and testing the code to balance Godfrey. Things are starting to get fun.

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