Sunday, March 31, 2013

IMU software

The code for Godfrey's IMU can be found here on GitHub.

This code is intentionally simple. It initializes the accelerator and gyroscope chips and then queries their values at 50 times a second and outputs the results. The values are output in the order of accelerator X, Y, Z followed by gyroscope X, Y, Z. All values are signed 16 bit two's complement quantities.

The output looks like:
  252 108 -63 44 -30 17 

This code currently outputs data at 50Hz and 57600 baud. Both these may be too slow for the operational system.

To burn this code into the device I used the FTDI Basic Breakout connecting the IMU to a serial port. Set the Arduino IDE device (>Tools>Board) to Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (3.3V, 8 MHz) w/ ATmega 328.

I had a problem programming my device with the FTDI Basic Breakout. I would hit upload in the Arduino IDE and it would hang or I would receive an error message. I discovered (through web searching and some experimentation) that I could program the device if I started the upload and then hit the reset button on the IMU.

Use FTDI Basic Breakout and connect the device to a serial port and watch the values as you move the device. Set your terminal program to 57600 baud to see the results.

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