Wednesday, March 27, 2013

There is a robot in my future

Over the last few months I found myself seeking a new challenge and one that specifically blends of hardware, software and art. After much soul searching, the challenge I ultimately settled on is to build a robot with social intelligence similar to the robots talked about in Cynthia Breazeal's TED Talk.

I plan to name my robot Godfrey. He is an agile robot designed for natural interactions with humans in their household environment. He will gracefully move around the home while answering questions, making small talk, and telling stories. Godfrey will wears his emotions on his sleeves.

Godfrey is designed to experiment with how humans interact with intelligent agents. He is not an attempt to build a domestic servant nor is he an effort to build the one "true" AI architecture. I will leave these important goals to other, more capable, hands.

Godfrey's design and development are in its early stages. This blog will outline my journey in designing and building Godfrey.

The design data and source code for Godfrey can be found on GitHub.

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